As the weather begins to warm up, we will be incorporating the outdoors in some of our Live Group Exercise Classes this month through the summer (weather permitting)!! Not to mention we will be adding another evening class Thursday nights starting in MAY! Come prepared and be ready to
PUSH YOUR LIMITS this month!

Message from the owner:
Spring is here and now is the time to try a new class, design a new workout or meet with a personal trainer for the optimal results you’ve been looking for! YOU can accomplish anything you set your mind to here at Thrive Gym! We are so lucky to have such dedicated and loyal members putting forth the effort to get to the gym. Thank you to those of you who have stepped out of your comfort zone and shared your progress with us! We encourage you to send us your results or fitness journey progress for a chance to be posted on our social media (with your permission) + get some FREE Thrive Gym gear!!
Email us at: [email protected]
Smoothie of the Month:
Kiwis are high in Vitamin C, dietary fiber, and antioxidants. They provide a variety of health benefits, such as heart, digestive, and immunity health support!
Add Protein for just $1!

Exercise of the Month:
Weighted Pull-Ups
Weighted pull-ups are a strength-training exercise in where weights are worn while performing a standard bodyweight pull-up. A weight belt or weighted vest supplies the added weight during the exercise, and this additional weight helps you build even more muscle during your pull-up workout. Weighted pull-ups are a great exercise for increasing upper-body strength.
* If you do not have access to a weight belt or weighted vest, you can perform weighted pull-ups using resistance bands, dumbbells, kettlebells, a barbell, or a dip belt outfitted with barbell plates.
Get Creative!
3 Benefits of Weighted Pull-Ups
Weighted pull-ups improve core strength. When performed properly, weighted pull-ups offer added intensity to activated core muscles.
Weighted pull-ups can help you achieve defined back muscles. Weighted pull-ups intensify the activation of your back muscles—such as your rhomboids and trapezius muscles—giving your back muscles more definition.
Weighted pull-ups are a great exercise for a variety of athletes. The range of motion and grip strength required for weighted pull-ups can help improve the performance of rock climbers, gymnasts, and bodybuilders training for weightlifting.

Challenge of the Month:
Fastest time to 3000m on the rowing machine!
Challenge yourself this month by tracking your progress and personal best on the rowing machine! The member with the fastest 3000m time wins a FREE 1-month membership with us!
Submit your end results in person at the front desk or via email to:
Good luck to all!!

Rowing Machine Benefits
- Improves your aerobic fitness
- Gives you a full-body workout
- Improves lower-body conditioning
- Let’s you work out with less injury risk
- Builds better posture
- Beginner friendly

Thrive Gym’s Student Athlete Program:
Student Athlete Program with Nikolai Exclusive to Thrive Gym
Start date: June 13th, 2022
Duration: 1.5/2 hour(s)
PRICING: $75 – 5 class punch card ($15/session)
We offer 3 (morning) sessions a week.
Monday, Wednesday & Friday @8:30am
Back for another year, offering an outlet for youth athletes (ages 11-18) to develop technique, learn skills, enhance strength. Utilizing a safe, confined and fully equipped facility only at Thrive Gym!
We’ll work on: Athletic development, learning proper training techniques, enhancing fitness and strength, Creating good training habits, & MORE!
It will vary daily, but will combine plyometrics, weightlifting, calisthenics, core stabilization and overall strength and balance movement.
We will also have outdoor and indoor activities in various sport disciplines and events. Our strategy will include fusing sports and training, using the medicine + Swiss balls as well as other equipment the gym provides! See you there!

LIVE GE Class Schedule:
5:45am-6:15am CardioBLAST
9:00am-9:30am CardioBLAST
6:00pm-6:45pm HipHop
5:45am-6:15am Spin & Strength
9:00am-9:30am Spin & Strength
9:00am-9:45am Power Yoga
6:00-6:30pm Boxing (gloves & wraps needed)
5:45am-6:15am EMOM
9:00am-9:30am EMOM
6:00pm-6:45pm Zumba
5:45am-6:15am Burnout
9:00am-9:30am Burnout
5:30pm-6:15pm NineFifteen
9:00am-9:45am Zumba
8:00am-8:45am Spin
9:00am-9:45am Kickboxing
9:15am-10:00am NineFifteen
Looking to Kickstart your fitness career? Thrive Gym is NOW HIRING a Spin Instructor!
Create your own class designs with FULL access to unlimited and unique equipment! If you or anyone you know is interested, please reach out via email at [email protected] or feel free to give us a call at 319.499.1009

Hiring a physical therapist:
If you, or someone you know, is a licensed physical therapist looking to expand their career please have them inquire about a special business opportunity by reaching out to us at

Let us help YOU “Live In A Body That Feels Great!”
Our certified Personal Trainers are ready to hold you accountable + help you crush your fitness goals! Start TODAY!!
Please Inquire at 319.499.1009 or via email at: [email protected]

Looking for Volunteers!!
Stop by the front desk for more info or follow the QR code down below!

Thrive Gym Kids Care:
* $5 Drop-in fee per child
* Child Waiver MUST be filled out
*1 hour limit!!
*PLEASE reserve our Kids Care program on our Zen Planner App and stay within the facility during the 1-hour duration

In order to continue to provide this service, ALL towels must stay at Thrive!
For your convenience we have 4 drop-off bins available (including my favorite one next to the front door – so in case accidently brought it ALL the way upstairs with you, you wont have to make the trip back downstairs) THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Do you have our Zen Planner Member App?
With new classes and limited equipment, we ask members to PLEASE reserve their spot for our classes ahead of time. This helps us ensure your spot and make adjustments to the classes if needed. When you signed up for Thrive Gym, you should have gotten a welcome email that explained how you can download this app with a temporary password! If you did not receive this email or can’t find it, just send us an email or stop by the front desk and we will email you a link to get all signed up or change your password for Zen Planner!
What are the benefits of having this App?
– Quickly contact us directly
– Easily edit your profile if your address/number/email changes
– Check daily class schedules
– Reserve your spot in our classes (limited capacity)
-Reserve Kids Care
Follow us on social media + hashtag us!
Please follow us on our social media platforms for updates, news, motivational posts, fitness tips, and more!!

Virtual Classroom (Fitness on Demand)
How To Use The iPad:
Press the home button to wake up the screen
How To Choose and Play a Class:
Click on the ‘Videos’ tab
Scroll through the classes and choose which one you would like to do
Click on the class you would like to take
Class details will pop up and you are able to read about the class and what equipment it requires
Click on the play button in the middle of the screen and the class will start on the TV downstairs) THANK YOU!
We offer many different types of classes – mind & body, strength, spin, cardio, tabata, and more!!